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Brian Williams
Creative Director

Brian graduated with a first-class degree in design for print, film and TV from the College of Art and Design in Dublin. Soon after he won awards for his on-screen and print work for U2. The iconic, multi-award winning ZOOROPA album cover and the ZOO TV tour made his name. In total he won six international awards for his work with the band.

Brian has won 16 print awards, six animation awards and scores of gongs for live action directing including a Kinsale Shark. As a live action director Brian has worked on major international brands like BBC, Coke, Virgin, Toyota, Bridgestone, Rolls Royce and Lexus.

His vocation is horripilation* and he strives to bring this to everything he does by combining delicate, emotional storytelling with gorgeous images.
Brian is currently developing several short and feature length films.
His passion extends to packing. Neatly. Perfectly. For every eventuality.

Brian is a multidisciplinary directory. He’s a creative through and through - with a background in graphic design (he used to design U2 album covers), he then turned his focus to filmmaking. He’s since garnered awards for his beautifully cinematic live action work, and his gorgeous and experimental CG work. He’s got an incredible knack for making ideas come to live in new and original ways.